Moisturising Skincare for a Better Result
Pure Benefit is a series of skincare products, developed to use after removing hair. The right skincare is the Alpha and Omega when wanting a nice hair-free result and avoiding sycosis and ingrown hair. To get the perfect result, it is all about moisturizing, exfoliating and keeping the skin clear of bacteria, which is exactly what the Pure Benefit Series is made for.
The Pure Benefit series consists of three products, all of which are organic and Allergy-Certified, which guarantee you mild and gentle high-quality products.
How to get rid of sycosis and ingrown hair
Sycosis, red bumps, ingrown hair and unbearable itching are, unfortunately, very normal side effects of hair removal for many people. But did you know it does not have to be, if you care for your skin correctly?
Why do you get an ingrown hair?
An ingrown hair is a new hair that is not able to break through skin cells. Therefore, it grows underneath the skin. This will result in an irritating itch and red bumps, that can turn into inflammation.
After-treatment using Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera does not only cool and soothe the skin, it has an anti-bacterial effect as well. When you apply Aloe Vera to the skin after removing hair with sugaring, you will minimize the risk of bacteria getting into the empty hair follicle. Our Aloe Vera Gel can also be used to heal small cuts, red baby butts and as aftersun, due to its cooling and regenerating effect.
Moisture, moisture and more moisture
Moisture is the Alpha and Omega in the fight against ingrown hairs and itching. It is important that you apply moisture to the skin every day to soften the skin. The new soft hairs will have an easier time breaking through the skin, when it is soft and flexible rather than dry and not as flexible skin. You will help the hairs break through the skin by moisturizing every day. Our Body Balm does beside softening the skin also contain Aloe Vera which has an anti-bacterial effect. The organic Macadamia oil adds a lot of moisture to the skin as well as strengths the skin sebum (oil), while Panthenol moisturerises the skin in depth and in collaboration with Aloe Vera it is both regenerating and soothing.
Exfoliate the skin
Make the way for the new hairs as easy as possible and remove the dead skin cells, which block the way for the hairs. Our sugar scrub gently exfoliates the skin, while the sugar grains melt into the skin and the jojoba and coconut oil add moisture. The sugar scrub should be used 3-4 times a week. In addition the Sugar Scrub minimizes ingrown hairs and makes your skin silky soft.
The method of hair removal is decisive
Shaving is one of the hair removal methods resulting in the most red bumps and ingrown hairs, as the skin is constantly irritated due to the frequent treatment.
Regular wax and sugaring last longer, but regular wax is very hard on the skin, where sugaring is very gentle and the skin irritation is at a minimum.
At the same time sugaring pulls all the hairs out with the hair root, when using regular wax there is a risk of the hair breaking when being pull out, which increases the risk of ingrown hairs a lot.